Friday, January 29, 2010

Wherin Time Kicks my Arse

So for the last two weeks my life has been, shall we say, insane? Two weeks ago the husband was home from work (when California was drenched in rain so it was a good thing) thanks to hives and poison oak. Naturally, nothing got done other than the sewing of these two pillows:

How gorgeous is that material? Love! Also there was cooking and knitting involved but I've got to make this'll see why soon. I also got a new job (at home like I wanted!) For Slipped Stitch Studios(linky) sewing these bags:
slipped stitch studios

Now this bag I didn't personally make but am making others like it. It's taken over my "dining room". Thankfully my husband is a gem and hasn't said anything....

THEN! Last week, School started, I rearranged my schedule a zillion times, and since the husbands car was in the shop, I had to drive 4+ hours a day to drop him off at work and pick him up. Consequently, NOTHING has gotten done at my house and it looks like this:



Nothing got done. So now you know why this has to be a fast post. I need to go clean!!! Ta!


  1. Your home is beautiful, even if you think it is messy. You certainly do not want to see what my four kids can do to a clean house in a matter of minutes. lol

  2. Your pillows are beautiful! You're a brave woman posting what you feel is a messy house. ;) Still a lovely home.
